Seasonal observations
I have just seen the little yellow wagtail, he arrives every year all on his own. Very busy on the grass early morning. Wanders around on the water lilies. Such lovely colouring, his little yellow and white tail waving around.
Also jays very busy storing their nuts; one managed to store 17 in its crop. Not like the pigeons who try to eat every one, then can hardly fly.
Where have all these huge gulls come from? They sit on the roof and it's like being at the seaside, the noise these two make.
Squirrel busy putting his nuts away in every container.
Lots of blue tits, finches, blackbirds and, of course, the cheeky robin, waiting to have his special feed of meal worms which have to be alive and wiggling.
Lovely seeing all the wild flowers. Had some this year in old veg garden. Val

Pictures courtesy of RSPB and Wikipedia