
Earley Environmental Group  AGM 2014 minutes

Minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting
held at 7.30pm, Monday 20 January 2014
at the Function Room, Maiden Place Community Centre, Earley


The meeting was quorate, with 23 members and guests present. Included for the committee were Anne Booth, Alan Broodbank, Ricki Bull, Elaine Butler, Grahame Hawker, Melenie Orros, Edwin Trout and Liz Wild.

1. Apologies for Absence

Apologies had been received from Sheila Crowson and Brian Hackett

2. Minutes of the previous AGM

The minutes were accepted as an accurate record.

3. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

4. Chairman's Report

Alan Broodbank reported on the activities of the Group in 2013. "You'd be hard-pushed to go to any spot in Earley and not be able to see some evidence of the Group's activities", he said, as he reviewed the planting of trees and flowers, the clearance of undergrowth, maintenance of the lake and footpaths around the nature reserve. He noted similar efforts to improve the environment around Kennetmouth and the Thames. Litter picking there and around the town has been greatly extended through the efforts of the Earley Adopt a Street Initiative, which EEG supports. Alan was particularly pleased to highlight the "spectacular success" of removing invasive Himalyan Balsam from the banks of the Loddon in Earley.
He turned to the Group's programme of events arranged by Ricki Bull, commencing with the Green Fair where the EEG stand was notable for its butterfly cakes, and the ever-successful bug hunt, which attracted 18 children and prompted interest in wildlife among the attendant mums too. Without going into detail, Alan picked out talks on birds earning their keep, bovine TB, butterflies at Stonehenge, plants on walls and an explanation of bird names.
Alan encouraged members to visit the website, maintained by Brian Hackett, and praised the Newsletter edited by Sheila Crowson, acknowledging Oracle for its support in printing it. He ended by offering his thanks to the members of committee for all their hard work.

5. Treasurer's Report

The Group's finances were simple but robust in 2013. The sole income was donations, and the only outlay was hall hire; there were no speakers' expenses and even the postage was covered by stamps remaining from 2012. Donations averaged £44 per talk, compared with £32 the previous year, while speakers' expenses fell from £75 in total in 2012 to £0. With a late cheque received being allocated to 2014 income, the bank balance stood at £1,813.89.

6. Election of Committee

Ricki Bull stepped down from the role of events co-ordinator and Liz Wild as Treasurer, both to applause of appreciation for jobs well done. Jeremy offered to fill the role of Treasurer and was duly accepted onto the committee. The remaining officers were all willing to stand again and in the absence of any objection, or further volunteers, were re-elected en bloc.

7. AOB

Jean Hackett announced she intended to pursue the possibility of setting up a community orchard in Earley, possibly more, and asked for an indication of interest and support from those present. There appeared to be much sympathy for the initiative.

Elaine Butler offered collective thanks to Alan for his dedicated chairmanship of the Group.

8. Date of next AGM

January 2015, exact date tbc. [Subsequently arranged for Monday 26 January]

Business concluded at 8pm, the meeting continued with a presentation by Kit Brownlee on 'Fauna in Walls'.

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