
Earley Environmental Group  AGM 2007 minutes

Minutes of the Earley Environmental Group AGM
held at 7.30 p.m., Wednesday, 31st January 2007
at the Interpretation Centre

Present: Alice Ayres, Paul Beckett, Anne Booth, John Booth, Alan Broodbank, Elaine Butler, Richard Cocks, Sheila Crowson, Brian Hackett, Denis Hadley, Jan Haseler, L. Haseler, Grahame Hawker, Joan Miller, John Miller, David Rains, Edwin Trout, Richard Trout, Liz Wild.

Apologies for absence received from: Jack Firman, Jean Hackett, Ray Reedman, Elizabeth Trout.

Alan began the meeting by welcoming everyone, and in particular, Jan Haseler, our guest speaker.

1. Chairmans Report
Alan started this report started with a reminder of the three main objectives of the group: 1) To undertake investigations and practical works to conserve and improve the environment within the Civil Parish of Earley; 2) To study and record the fauna, flora and environment; 3) To promote education and interest in the natural history, the environment and the activities of the group. He then went on to relate one of the problems facing the group with an illustration of a recent event concerning a neighbour of his, who most certainly was not concerned about the environment.
With the pressure from government, housing developers, etc. our group in Earley has an important role to play in the protection of the local environment. Alan with his lifelong experience of living in Earley has witnessed the destruction of many local habitats and disappearance of many species of plants and animals (examples being Butterbur, Burnet Moth, Hare). Fortunately for Earley, around the middle of last century an area was set aside that eventually became the Maiden Erlegh Local Nature Reserve. As a result, certain species such as the Burnet Moth, Small Copper and Common Blue butterflies have returned after many years' absence. To encourage the return of such species it is necessary to manage the habitats in a particular way and this is where groups such as the Earley Environmental Group can play a part. Volunteers from the group can turn up at the Interpretation Centre in Instow Road, on Wednesdays at 9.30 a.m., to carry out a wide range of tasks, under the supervision of Grahame Hawker (Head Park Ranger). Examples of tasks include, creating reed beds, removing invasive and undesirable plant species, planting oak saplings, litter-picking, etc.
One of the aims of the group is "to promote education and interest in the natural history, the environment and the activities of the group" and in this respect we have made a good start. Firstly, there is the superb quarterly Newsletter, produced by Sheila Crowson, always packed full of articles, wild-life sightings, etc. many of which are contributed by members of the group. Secondly, we have an excellent web site, thanks to the Web Master, Paul Beckett, again with many contributions by the membership. And thirdly, throughout the year we have had an excellent series of planned talks and activities. Sheila Crowson, at this point, gave a brief resumé of all the activities that had happened during the year, including the Veteran Tree Project and the support the group gets from Oracle.

2. Treasurer's Report
Liz Wild gave a brief account about how much money the group had received in the form of our start-up fund and grants; and how some of the money has been spent on small items of equipment and photocopying.

3. Adoption of the Constitution
The Constitution was formally adopted by those present.

4. Election of Officers
With the exception of the post of Honorary Secretary all other officers were re-elected. (But see AOB below)

5. Other matters raised by the membership
Brian Hackett reported that so far they have three volunteers and one brownie group for the RESCUE litter pick on the weekend of 10/11 March, and could people let Jean know which date they can make.

6. Forthcoming activities
Grahame Hawker announced the programme planned so far for the remainder of this year:
Saturday, 17th February 1.00-4.00 p.m. - building bird boxes
Saturday, 10th and Sunday, 11th March - RESCUE litter pick
Thursday, 19th April - a talk on dragonflies by Des Sussex
Sunday, 20th May - a walk around Whiteknights Park
Sunday, 24th June - a walk from "The George" (Loddon Bridge) to Dinton Pastures
Sunday, 15th July - a guided walk around Maiden Erlegh Local Nature Reserve
Sunday, 4th August - the Green Fair
Sunday, 19th August - Dinton Pastures Wokingham Open Day
October - Farming and Wildlife Stewardship Schemes (date to be announced)
December - members should bring slides to a members' evening with mulled wine (date to be announced)
This left September and November without anything planned and Grahame asked everyone to think about what they would like have talks about and let him know. Some suggestions put forward by Grahame included; otters, birds, bats, badgers, Swan Lifeline.

7. Any Other Business
There was no other business.

At the end of the meeting Edwin Trout came forward and very kindly offered his services as Honorary Secretary which we were delighted to accept.

After an interval for coffee/tea and biscuits Jan Haseler gave a very interesting presentation on the butterflies of the Harris Garden.

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