Earley Adopt-a-Street Initiative
Summer 2023 Newsletter

Earley’s Litter and Recycling Group

Welcome to EASI’s Summer 2023 Newsletter. With over 300 members, EASI continues to do a great job at keeping Earley’s streets clear of rubbish, and summer will give us even greater opportunities to pick litter - but don’t forget your sunhat and to keep hydrated – and stay safe! This edition of the EASI Newsletter features the community litter pick held last March as well as recent recycling news from Wokingham Borough Council. It also provides some useful links to finding advice on recycling specific items - and don’t forget to ‘check-in’ at the EASI stand at the Earley Green Fair on 5th August (see below).

We have been able to maintain EASI membership above 300 for some time now, with it currently stands at around 315 litter pickers. Much of this has been achieved through the work of EASI Committee member Brenda Hill who will continue to contact members to see if they are still able to litter-pick their adopted streets, and to ensure that our records are up-to-date. There are currently only 6 streets in Earley needing new volunteer litter-pickers. If you are able to take on any of the streets listed below, or to share streets or work as a group, please get in touch.

Wheelton Close Saleby Close
Wokingham Road South: Maiden Erleigh Drive to Salcombe Close Trusthorpe Close
Fleetham N side of road to No. 152 Wispington Close

You can download and print off an EASI Flyer, to hand to any prospective volunteers that you might meet whilst litter picking.

The Huge Earley Litter Pick (H.E.L.P.)
Spring CleanIn association with Earley Town Council and the Earley Environmental Group, EASI took part in this Spring’s Huge Earley Litter Pick (H.E.L.P.) held on Sunday 26 March to coincide with Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean. With four starting points, and morning and afternoon sessions at some of them, over 100 volunteers helped to collect many bags of litter as well as remove several discarded large items thrown into hedges and ditches.

Spring CleanWe are grateful to the Town Council for organising the litter pick and for supplying picking equipment. We are, of course, also extremely grateful to all those who took part, especially the large group of ‘Hongkongers’ (above) who brought their families along and also to McDonalds whose staff (right) joined the litter pick in the Chalfont Park area. The next large-scale litter pick will be at Thames Valley Park in the autumn. We’ll keep you informed over the date and details.

Check-In at the EASI Stand at the Earley Green Fair
On Saturday 5th August, EASI will have its usual stand at the Earley Green Fair. The Fair will be held between 10am to 3pm on the small field off Beech Lane at the end of Maiden Erlegh Lake. Please come along and see us to let us know whether you are still litter-picking your streets and whether you are interested in picking more streets or know of someone that would like to join us. We’d be pleased to see you and hear about your litter-picking experiences.

A Big Thank You Again to Earley Town Council
We are extremely grateful to Earley Town Council for the £300 grant awarded to EASI in May for the purchase of Junior Litter Pickers and Bag Rings . We were awarded a similar sum by ETC last year and the picking equipment purchased has been put to good use by EASI’s litter pickers and at the HUGE Litter Pick in March. Without such generous help we would not be able to supply the equipment needed to keep our streets litter free!

pie chartRecycling
What’s in the Average Blue Bag?
A recent Rubbish and Recycling Newsletter from Wokingham Borough Council included interesting information on the average content of the blue bags collected from households by the Council’s waste services. Only 43% of the contents were classified as general waste! The rest was made up of food waste which should be recycled through the food caddy supplied by the Council; paper, cardboard and magazines which should be put into the recycling green bag; soft plastics which should be recycled at large supermarkets; glass which should be recycled at bottle banks; and garden waste which can be recycled through the Council’s garden waste collections. Whilst a lot of progress has been made, there’s still a lot to be done to achieve higher standards of recycling by residents in Wokingham!

Disposing of Sharp Items, Clothes and Textiles
The Council’s Newsletter also asked residents to ensure that sharp objects are dealt with correctly. Broken Glass should be wrapped before putting it in with our rubbish, and unwanted knives, scissors and blades should be taken to re3 recycling centres. Clothes and Textiles can be donated to charity and re-use organisations in-store or by using the bags that we often get through our letter-boxes. You can find out more about recycling in Wokingham at the re3 website.

The EASI Recycling Directory
Terracycle logoThe EASI Recycling database can be found on the Earley Environment Group Website under ‘Environment’ and ‘Recycling in Earley – an updated guide’. The Main Directory lists items that can be recycled, examples of the item, and where they can be recycled; including the use of the TerraCycle site. The Recycling Points list includes a map of where to find the recycling points.

Still Wanted - Recycling Committee Member
We are looking for an EASI member who is interested in recycling to take on the role of updating EASI’s Newsletter and the EEG Website with information on local recycling schemes.

Contacting EASI
The EASI Committee Members are Chris Bassett, Tracy Collins, Bob Collis, Brian Hackett, Grahame Hawker, Brenda Hill, Stephen Kerry and Richard Tredgett. Contact us on EASI’s Email address, or visit the EASI Facebook Page ‘EASI Litter Pickers – Earley’. Information about waste recycling and reporting substantial amounts of dumped rubbish or fly-tipping can be found on Wokingham Borough Council websites, as follows:

You can download a version of this Newsletter

EASI Newsletter No. 13, Editor: Bob Collis 2/7/23

Contact the EEG WebMaster