RSPB's A Date With Nature volunteers Red Kites in Henley on Thames

The RSPB is looking for volunteers to help promote Red Kites in the Henley area. Details are given below, or can be found on the RSPB website.
Location Henley Visitor Information Centre
Why the RSPB wants you
We need volunteers to help at this event with the aim of enthusing and inspiring the public by showing them spectacular red kites.
Your role will involve introducing visitors to view the live nest camera pictures of the birds, teaching them about the history of the kites they are looking at, answering questions, talking about the RSPB and asking them to sign our visitors book. You will also help to set up displays and equipment for the event.
What’s in it for you?
This is a great opportunity to meet people from a variety of backgrounds and inspire them about birds to assist the work of the RSPB.
You'll be part of a small friendly team and we can help you to gain valuable skills, experience and an insight into the work we do - the RSPB is an active and exciting conservation charity, the largest in Europe!
You will also receive the South East volunteer newsletter, Involve, and be invited to volunteer events.
The skills you need
We are looking for people with excellent face to face interpersonal skills who are comfortable and confident speaking to members of the public, approachable, friendly and able to enthuse about the work of the RSPB and have a genuine interest in birds, wildlife and conservation.
You do not have to be a bird expert as fact sheets will be provided. ABB events are many people's first encounter with the RSPB and are a perfect platform to tell them about our work.
You may be required to work the occasional weekend.
Your time
Minimum commitment: Ideally one day per week, but flexible
Duration: 5 months
Period: April-August
Who to contact
Kate Whitton
Tel: 07889615727
Appropriate training will be provided prior to the start of the event and all out of pocket expenses will be re-imbursed.
Ongoing support will be given by RSPB staff.
The RSPB speaks out for birds and wildlife, tackling the problems that threaten our environment. We rely upon memberships and donations to fund our work. By volunteering your time and skills, you could make a real difference to the work of the RSPB. Nature is amazing - help us keep it that way.
Visit the RSPB website.