Sibly Hall Telecomms Mast - March 2013
View over Redhatch Copse
In the last few weeks the Sibly phone mast has appeared over the trees of Redhatch Copse. This caused consternation in those people living closest to the structure as the reality of its size became apparent.
In a front page article in the Woodley & Earley Chronicle, the main concerns of residents were the closeness of the mast and its possible implications for health, the visual impact and its inappropriate siting in an ancient woodland, and the reduction in the value of their properties. There is also worry over possible noise from the air conditioning units in the summer.
It looks like only the framework is in place so far with the aerials yet to be added. There is no public access so the damage to the woodland floor cannot be assessed at present.
Work is being carried out in the Hall with large pieces of the interior being dropped from a great height into containers on the ground.
Anne Booth. 19/3/2013
View for residents