Help Needed for Nest Box Study (and cats!)

A PhD student in a research group working principally on garden birds is recruiting volunteers for a nest box study on Blue and Great Tits this coming spring (April-June). He says:
"I intend to monitor their breeding attempts and once they finish breeding I'll remove their nests to study their construction. Unfortunately I'm not able to provide boxes so I need volunteers with pre-existing (or soon to exist) accessible nest boxes please. As a bonus I may also be able to provide bird seed and feeders to volunteers for the duration of the study. Even if you yourself don't have any nest boxes or aren't interested in taking part but know someone within the Reading area that might be, please feel free to pass on my contact details to them as I'm after as many urban/suburban nest samples as possible.
In addition I'm also running a short term cat GPS tracking project in May. This will be limited to selected areas in Reading but if you are interested in volunteering your cat or know someone who might (especially in the RG2 and RG6 post codes) please let me know.
If you are interested in taking part in either of these projects please let me know."
Hugh James Hanmer