Current News

In this International Year of Biodiversity we want to encourage more wild flowers in Earley's gardens and roadside verges. Can you help?

Roadside verges in Earley contain a large number of wild flowers - admittedly most are common, but nevertheless valuable to wildlife, particularly insects, e.g. common birdsfoot trefoil, dandelion, oxeye daisy and many others. We have to accept that these are mostly fleeting due to municipal mowing, but even so valuable in wildlife terms, and could be managed sympathetically.
The Earley Environmental Group is about to survey the most promising verge areas in the Parish for wild flowers and would like to know:

  • a) If you know of any verges near you that you think may benefit from a mowing regime specific to promoting the growth of wild flowers and
  • b) If you (or anyone else you know) would be interested in helping out with this project?

We are planning to set up a group that will carry out wild flower surveys, record veteran trees, map Earley's cycle ways and footpaths, etc.
This group will meet at 9.30 a.m. on Friday mornings (or at other times if there is a demand) at the Interpretation Centre on Instow Road.
To encourage people to grow wild flowers in their gardens we are hoping to give away packets of seeds at the Green Fair (Saturday 7th August).
Do you have any wild flowers in your garden that attract insects? If so we would be very grateful if you could collect some of the seeds and send them to us. For advice on collecting seeds, see here.
If you can offer help with any of the above please contact: Grahame Hawker - mobile 07796 170 689, email .

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