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EEG’s 2023 Community Calendar - Send in your photos for the next edition!

Calendar The EEG is are now planning a 2023 calendar for release in August. We welcome images from amateur photographers which capture Earley’s natural environment, including images of Maiden Erlegh Nature Reserve, our local parks and meadows and the natural world found in our own gardens. Photos of woodland and lake scenes, wildflower beds and walkways, as well as pictures of Earley’s birds, animals, trees, flowers, fungi and insects will be welcome. For the last calendar, we were able to squeeze in more images, with 18 photographers contributing overall, so it’s worth having a go at getting your photo into the next edition!

The copyright of all selected images would remain with the photographer, but by providing the image for the calendar the photographer would grant a perpetual licence to the EEG to feature the image in any of its publications. All images used will be credited to the photographer. The deadline for submission of images is the 19th of June 2022. Photographs should ideally be submitted in JPEG format and no larger than 5MB in file-size. Please send your photos with your name, image titles and contact email address to Bob Collis

Bob Collis, Calendar Editor

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